Ancestry of my grandparents - Jenny Goodman (1881-1971) And Joe Mokobocki (1884-1981). They were born and raised in Poland, met and married in Warsaw, and then emigrated to England, Canada, and finally the US (1908). There are no Polish records of Joe's family but quite a few of Jenny's. Jenny's parents were Yankel and Shaindel (Esther) Handelsman. Yankel's parents were David Gutman and Temma Haneft. Esther's parents were David Handelsman and Perla Kava.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Serocyn, Siedlce, Warsaw records
1869 Zelman Monkobodzki born 1873 Gersz Mokobodski born 1874 Jankel Mokobocki married Ruchla Folzjesztejn 1885 Gersz Szmul Mokobudski died 1891 Brucha Bronia Mokobodzka died